Shalom! You can call me Hermit or Mrs. Hermit (Note: that’s just a nickname for privacy. If you need a different designation for postmail or something else, please message me.)
My husband and I are on the move from the Inland Northwest to Northern Arizona. Please follow our Youtube channels (buttons in the footer below) and blog (Himmit's blog is up above in the High Desert Hermitage tab). Please consider supporting our journey and leave a comment!
I should note that I learn a lot from my intelligent and mature husband, who has a very different skill set than my own. So, if something seems especially brilliant, or if something doesn’t seem to add up (like how a former retail clerk/factory worker and current crafter knows about efficiency and Six Sigma for making companies better), it probably came from my husband. I’m not talented with words. In fact, I’m so quiet in most interactions that people might think me rude, awkward, or painfully shy. I tend to ponder over the interaction and my observations later, responding if need be at a later date.
I also prefer working with my hands while trying to be thoughtful in my mind and careful in my work. I like to listen to inspiring music and audiobooks while working.
Mankind needs these things: 1. Needle and Thread 2. Soap and Water 3. Provender
I enjoy learning how to make what is useful, but also what can be helpful for the soul. Sometimes seeing something pretty during a dreary day can uplift the soul, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, or a rose petal left just for you by God along your Pilgrim journey to the High Places. (referencing books: Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan and Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard)
Some of the old ways: Sewing, crochet, knitting, cooking, weaving, spinning, basketry, baking, embroidery, food storage, reupholstery, dyeing fabric, etc. I did not learn these valuable skills growing up. I didn't know how to shop in a grocery store, how to cook anything other than spaghetti (my parents did take-out or ate out a LOT), how to be frugal, or even how to sew. Both GOD and my husband are teaching me nowadays.
My faith is best described as a mixture of Jewish and Christian. I am not currently associated with any community. I worship at home with Himmit (nickname), my husband. My role in life, along with being a housewife, is to be a hermit. Sometimes I serve as a sort of bartender in the lounge of life, trying to help those who pass on by.
I'd like to share with you the things I'm learning that I hope will be helpful to some. It isn't easy to learn something, but it is worth it. GOD has been so gracious and merciful to me, and I pray that HE blesses you too.

Meet Mrs. Hermit
Follower of Yeshua of Nazareth, married, hermit. Enjoys learning, making, and sharing what is useful and what will bless her home and yours!