
Jun 17, 2021
Bathroom Wipes (DIY Reusable Washable Toilet Wipes)
Make wipes that last! What I've learned after ~2 years without TP: the best method, how much $ we save, laundry, and a plandemic story.
Shalom! ברוכים הבאים
It is my (Mrs. Hermit) hope that this site will be useful, encouraging, and inspiring to many. This is a place to share my tutorials, reflections, extra blessings, and fellowship. You're welcome to comment on posts, request that a post be made for you on the Community Board or that your site be shared on the blessing page, as well as request blessings.
Most, not all, of the content will be contained within the Blog and Youtube Channel. For those like me who love order instead of a long stream of consecutive, mixed-up posts, I've organized the content into relevant categories in the top Menu. Each post on the category pages will be clickable to help you find it more easily.
The Directories are located under the Community Tab. The Directories Page is meant to be a central place to encourage a connected community. Connect with others and find information (events, meet-ups, items/services available).
Directories are separated as:
1) Events/Workshops
2) Livestreams
3) Market (Buy/Sell/Trade/Services)
4) Wanted
5) Hermit's Recommendations
6) Neighborhood (like the White Pages but more friendly/personal
7) Faith-centered Fellowship (praise, encouragement, prayer requests, requests for help, faith meet-ups).
~Download Directories from the Page
~Sign up for some or all directories to receive them via email! (one email per directory) Mrs. Hermit will try to email updated versions at least once a month.
~To request adding your own directory entry, please contact Mrs. Hermit (see form at right for email link or the About Page in the top Menu). Please use the templates below to provide information for directory entries.
The Blessings tab features items made by Mrs. Hermit (Ideas From The Master) and ! Right now there is not anything available for sale (please see note below).
*PLEASE NOTE: We are moving and will be busy setting up our own little High Desert Hermitage, so I will not have time to make things available for sale. Please read the blog for both Himmit and Hermit's adventures, and watch our Youtube Channels (Links in the footer below). Please consider supporting our journey!
If the content on this website and Youtube channel are helpful to you, please consider sending a thank you (send a note, see share thanks page under the About Tab). Thank you!
All Blog Posts Below
For Organized List
Please see Menu Above