DIY Restaurant Quality Vinaigrette
Learn how to make restaurant-quality vinaigrette (salad dressing)
Plus, hear how a 10 year thorn in my side was removed with just a blender and 5 minutes
שלם וברוכה הבאה!
Today we’re in the Hermitage kitchen, where I’ll show you how to make restaurant-quality salad dressing, a fruity vinaigrette with lots of flavor. If you’re tired of eating bland salads at home while craving them at a restaurant, the secret is emulsification. All you need is a good blender, ingredients, and about five minutes.
Let’s get started!
To hear my story of how I went for more than a decade eating bland salads, go to the 9:25 mark.
You will need:
Blender (suitable for liquids)
Vinegar (white, apple cider, red wine, etc.)
Oil (olive oil recommended)
Water (optional, to dilute; don’t use too much!)
Fruit juice (optional for flavor, don’t use too much!)
Fruit jam (optional for flavor)
*Berries (flavor, properties of berries help the emulsification process)
Spices (onion, oregano, dill, parsley, etc.)
Bottle for storing.
My story of how I went for more than a decade of eating bland salads (and disliking them at home) because I didn’t know one fact. (emulsification)
It really is all about the sauce, to re-quote a phrase I hear so often. I loved the salads at restaurants and would even crave getting some at the grocery store deli. But, I was too embarrassed to order them often. We rarely ate out - why would I spend money on what I could make at home? I wanted to like salads at home just as much as I did going out to eat, but my dressing was disappointment in a bottle. I drizzled on my hope for flavor, only to find that hope pooled at the bottom of the plate. I wanted to like salads. I wanted to eat healthy. I couldn’t figure out why my dressing wouldn’t stick to the salad ingredients, leaving me with raw vegetables sitting in a pool of colorful, inaccessible flavor. This went on for over a decade.
You may ask, how did this tradition of sad, bland salads get started? I’ll tell you: I don’t know. (Fiddler on the Roof)
The past decade+ is when God delivered me and has been helping me build a beautiful life. I’ve been learning many things that I should have learned much earlier, including nutrition and fitness. I don’t buy dressing because I don’t eat egg (almost all dressings have egg white) and I got tired of trying to find the single one that I could have. Plus, not buying extras like dressing saves money.
I didn’t figure this out earlier because I didn’t take the time to think about it nor talk about it. It turns out that Himmit knew the secret to great dressings all along. He just thought I wanted to eat salads with no taste (and suffered through them along with me). If I had just talked about it, shared my thoughts even about ordering salads in the restaurant because they were so much better (and I didn’t know why)...if only.
Now that we finally have had that conversation about emulsification and salad dressing (thank God), I am making up for lost time!
So that is my story about a 10 year thorn in my side that was removed by using a blender for five minutes.
Thank you for listening. I hope you learned something new about salad dressing and the importance of being circumspect (and communicating!).
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Mrs. Hermit