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Music Theory: Key Signatures in 1 Minute!

Here is a simply easy key signature chart (no circle of 5ths).

All you have to do is remember:


2) C major has 0 flats

3) 'a minor' is the relative minor of C major

Please see the video for how to make the chart:

My piano teacher taught me this when I was a kid. I have no idea what this chart is called. I had noticed through the years that nobody else seemed to use this chart. When I recently came across a note in my music theory book scribbled from a frustrated student ("Isn't there a faster way of doing this?" - next to the circle of 5ths), I decided to share this chart. If you know what this chart is called, please tell me.

And no, I don't understand the circle of 5ths. I have my chart memorized and it is just what I need for now. : )

Background music is freebie. : )

If you have looked at my other website posts, and are wondering why I put this seemingly out-of-place post about music theory: I used to be an actively involved musician. I did play gigs and had a good instructor, even taught a few students myself, etc, but ...didn't happen. Insert life, life, and more life. (complicated, decisions, things beyond my control, etc.) Currently, I am working on practicing my instruments at home daily (it's a goal) and studying a bit of music theory. Yes I have tried to join a group to play music with (oy was that an odd story). Yes I have tried transcribing (writing down other musicians' music so that they could have sheet music for sale since they were busy composing). It was fun, (people can really stink sometimes) I guess I'm not doing that either. So now I just play music at home.



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