Shavua Tov - Iyar 6
Here are some words, videos/songs to hopefully lighten your thoughts and help you to set your heart on the Light of the World.
"Dai Li" by Shilo Ben Hod
"How to Make a Girl Smile" by Vinheteiro
"Keren Or" sung by Achinoam Nini
*Note* do NOT search for the live version of this song. She has a nice voice, but she can be very immodest.
All the stars hidden away
And the moon in a pitch black night
From the north
And south to Yemen
Not a ray of light
Morning, loyal widower
Clutch your grey sack tight
From the north
And south to Yemen
Not a ray of light
No light, not a ray of light
Light a small white candle
In this darkened tent,
This heart of mine
From the north
And south to Yemen
Then a brilliant light will shine!
The light, the light will shine
The Light of the World healing a man born blind, in the Gospel of John movie (by the Bible Collection)